When I learned that there will be an Accordion Festival in a small village that is very near to La Seu and we will be a volunteer in there, I was very happy. Because, I really like to listen to accordion and this festival was going tobe in a small village which there are about 70 inhabitants and which is between to Pyrenees. However we were going to camp in that small and nice village. Sounds was really good for me.
Before the festival, we had preapered a tent that we wiil stay and we put some stuffs in our bags that will be necessary. For example: slepper, clothes, some meals, camera etc..
Arsegeul is in Alt Urgell Region and it is not far from La Seu , just 10 kilometres .
I started to think, that festival will be good, because Arsegeul was looking really good. The weather was fine, sun was up, there were a lot of trees and mountains. We could heard sounds of music from everywhere.
In the festival area, there was a small stage and there was a vocal woman and two acordionistes were on stage. For this festival, a lot of musicians had come here from another country. For example: Ukraine, Portugal, Colombia, Moldovia, Italy, Britania, Bulgaria, Irlandia…- and of course, Catalan musicans… At night, the big concert was going to start and we were going to be a volunteer in there. However there was a lot of fairsteads that you can find everything about accordion.
It started to be dark and it was going to be crowded. Our job was nice, we waited in outside of concert tent, when people come and ask, we were saying them that "concert will be started at 22.00". After the concert started, two hours later, we could see and listen musicans who are from another contry. It was really funny. Until 03.00 o´clock, it contunied, kim, eva and me had really fun!
Next day, we tried to go to river that is in down of Arseguel and I saw a snake while we were trying to find a river. I was really afraid of it, okey, it wasn´t so big. But it appeared immediatly. Well, we found a river finally, it was really nice. There were some people who were sunbathing.
Well, two days in Arseguel was really nice and funny.
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