Hi everybody! I´m Umut. I´m a new volunteer in Oficina Jove. I´ll live here 6 months like the other volunteers, Kim and Eva. I have already begun to work today. This is my first blog. As you know, I´ll share my ideas and experiences in this blog. Unfourtanetly I don´t know spanish, that´s why I´m writing in english, lo siento:( Perhaps after a few months, I´ll able to write in spanish or catalan, I hope. Well, are you ready to get to know something about me? So, let´s start. Vamanos !
First of all, I want to write my trip, from Turkey to here, yes, it´s such a complicated story, as you guess. Before I came here, I was in my before-arrival training, It´s another story, actually.I wasn´t in that mood to go there because it was my last week in Turkey, so I was wanting to spend more time with my family and my friends. But it was obligatory to participate that. So I went and participated, it was in Ankara, is capital of Turkey. And I talked with my mentor Ruth, she said that I was going to come here from Ankara, as soon as the training finishes. I got my luggage and said good-bye to my family and friends.

There were too many volunteers in training and two of them are in same situation with me, they were going to be volunteer as soon as training finishes.So we shared our feelings and enthusiasm. In fact, it was really good training, training team was saying us almost everything about evs, even they gave us some advices how to pack the luggage, what can be necessary, yes in that time, it wasn´t for me but in that time. I wasn´t knowing to get back to Izmir! When I was in there, I got an e-mail from Oficina Jove, it said that the plan had changed! I was going to
come here, from Izmir.
My volunteer friends in training |
So, after training finished, I got back to Izmir and when I had to entree of the house, my family was surprised at that.They asked me that "Didn´t you go to Spain? " and I explained:) So I could spend one day more with them. I ate my mother´s delicious cook last time and I checked my luggage again, sure. Could I sleep at home? Not really. I had some questions in my mind about the trip. I had two tickets to come here. First ticket was from Izmir to Istanbul, second ticket was from Istanbul to Barcelona. But the problem was they were in another airport. I mean, my barcelona ticket was from Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport but I was going to arrive to Istanbul Ataturk Airport. It doesn´t seem hard but they were in another continent, and you don´t know Istanbul. There is always traffic jam in Istanbul.It´s normal., of course, 10 million people live in there. Okey, I had 4 hours to go there but I wan´t sure to arrive on time to there. And as you know, check-in, pasaport control take time.
And another thing that I worried about, I didn´t go abroad alone before, so I was nervous enough. Anyway ,I managed to sleep 3 hours.
Map of airports in Istanbul |
Next day, while it was 8 o´clock, I got in airport bus and I arrived to Izmir Airport. 1 hour later, I had arrived to Istanbul, then I waited my luggage about half hour.Right after, I got in bus to go to another airport, I had to change bus later, because there is no bus to go to another airport directly. Fortunately, the road wasn´t busy. And finally, I managed to arrive in airport ! I didn´t carry of plane! It was 15.00 o´clock. I had enough time.So, I was really happy. I bought something to eat with my last turkish money.
And after 3 and half hours, I had arrived to Barcelona Airport. It was about 19.00. My new mentor Nuri and my new volunteer friends Kim and Eva were waiting me!When I realized them, I felt really happy, of course. I could to take a good breath:) Then we got in car to come to La Seu.
Well, It was dark, when we arrived in La Seu. So It was quite mystical for me, La Seu was waiting to be explored. Then we arrived to my new home, i was going to share it with Eva and Kim. At home, Anna and Ruth were waiting us, i met with them and we talked about my trip. What adventure! :)
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